Friday 19 August 2011

A Very Successful Open Day

Our Open Day on Sunday was a huge success with a record number of people coming. And although it has taken a fair while to count the money from all the different stalls we finally have a total. We have made a record breaking £11,200! We are all so pleased with the total, it's more than £1000 up on last year, and an amazing total for our 40th year. All the staff and volunteers did a brilliant job setting it up beforehand and then manning various stalls on the day, as well as doing their normal jobs looking after the animals.

Heavns Gate Open Day 14th August

Unfortunately after open day comes the big clear up. We keep praying that each time we look out at the field the tents will have put themselves away and the barbecue will have cleaned itself, but I don't think it's going to happen somehow! Brian and Matt our maintenance men have really worked so hard this week to clear everything up, and I'm sure they will be glad when it's finally finished. That's it for events at Heavens Gate now until our Halloween event on 30th October.

Gavin at our open day. He
needs a forever home
We do have other events coming up throughout the year to raise money and celebrate our 40th birthday year. Our next one is a sponsored kennel sleep on August 31st where a few staff (exact numbers to be confirmed) will be spending the night as dogs, sleeping in a kennel with just a sleeping bag,torch and water. I don't know what I'm more worried about - the spiders, the cold, or the noise from the dogs keeping me awake. I'm just telling myself that the more we suffer, the more money we are likely to raise. We will post some more details about the event very shortly, but if you would like to sponsor me and the other staff taking part please go to our Just Giving site

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